
Letters to the Editor

To the editor: The Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral Education Committee held the 29th Annual Excellence in Education Awards sponsored by The Breeze Newspapers on Tuesday, May 11, at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. At this feel-good event, the committee recognizes one educator and one student ...

HB 241 good for parents and students

To the editor: The pandemic has given parents an opportunity to see, via their children’s Zoom class, what is being taught in our classrooms. Parents all over the country are starting to rise up and stand against Critical Race Theory that teaches all “white people” are racist oppressors ...

To the editor: Our wetlands in Southwest Florida are being decimated by builders of housing and commercial projects that have taken the advantage of the state taking over wetlands permitting from the Federal DEP, which handed over its longstanding authority. More than 1,000 permits to develop ...

To the editor: Our world has been turned upside down for the past year by the pandemic. As our community continues to adjust to our “new normal” what remains the same? Child abuse and child neglect continue to turn children’s lives upside down every day. National Youth Advocate ...

To the editor: The Florida State Constitution states, “ Adequate provision shall be made by law for a uniform, efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system of free public schools that allows students to obtain a high quality education ...” Florida public schools have a good national ...