
Local Columns

A small cool front blew through early last week dropping the thermometer along with a day or two of north winds. However, in typical Florida fashion, a couple of days later we rebounded nicely with the temperature climbing back into the 80s and fishing was back on track. Good news when the ...

The North Georgia Wine Advisor 2015 Bogel Old Vine Zinfandel #10-2022 Treasure hunters scour the earth for gold, while Oenophiles search the store shelves for that "special" bottle of wine, One day last week I was rummaging through the shelves ...

On the Water: March madness on the water

With the warming trend we experienced the last two weeks of February, spring fishing is off to an early start. Spring fishing is looked upon as some of the best of the year with a wide variety of species willing to bend a rod. As days get longer and warmer, water temperatures rise and schooling ...

Bridge Beat

Bridge is played on Pine Island at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, at 10360 Stringfellow Road in St James City, Wednesdays, noon to 3 p.m., everyone welcome. Results Fishers of Men Wednesday, Feb. 23. -- 1. Mary Tobias 2. Kay Winter 3. Emory Garlick 4. Anna Stober.

Cribbage Corner

First Place -- Pam Placek Second Place -- Suzy McDonnell Third Place -- Patty Smith Fourth Place -- Mark Inserra Fifth Place -- Fred Chernetski "Turkey of the Week" -- Mike Mulder (due to lack of support) Cribbage is played Thursday evenings at 6:45 at the St. James City Civic ...

Mahjongg Scores

It’s always fun at the St. James City Civic Association when the Mahjongg gals get together. Lots of laughter and conversation, but some good scores, as well. Clem Moors came in third with 95 points, Peggy Findlay placed second with 135 points and Jerilyn Adin Safran took first place honors ...