
SJCCA Update

3 min read

St. James City Civic Association has announced the following upcoming events and activities:

Thursday, Jan. 30

* Ping Pong, 9-11 a.m. It’s a fun way to meet the neighbors and play ping pong

* Mahjongg, 1-4 p.m. This is a great place to learn to play mahjongg! Contact Carolyn at 239-233-7682.

* Cribbage, 6-8 p.m. All are welcome for weekly cribbage fun and competition. Contact John Hennessy at 908-801-2034 for additional information

Friday, Jan. 31

* Shuffle Board, 9-11 a.m. All equipment provided. Beginners welcome.

* YOGA with Carole, 9-10 a.m. Come join in on yin yoga. Also for those who would like to participate in chair yoga. All are welcome.

Saturday, Feb. 1

* Garage Sale, 8-11 a.m. We have received a lot of new things, so stop by and shop! Accepting donations.

Monday, Feb. 3

* Meditation w/Christine, 4:15-5:15 p.m. This 30-minute meditation class will be a guided meditation.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

* Shuffle Board, 9-11 a.m.

* Ping Pong, 9-11 a.m.

* Golden Brush, 1-4 p.m. Don’t be shy! Explore your artistic muse with SJCCA’S painting group. The Order of the Golden Brush, founded over 45 years ago by Gladys Stroud, provides a supportive atmosphere for individuals wishing to play with paints and pencils. Newcomers, current members, novices, and established artists are all welcome.  Need more information? Please call Linda Selleck at 239.313.1212

* Dominoes, 6-8 p.m. Dominoes is a game that everyone can play: kids, adults, and even the old. It is that simple, and it does not matter a person’s skill type or level when it comes to gaming.

Wednesday, Feb. 5

* YOGA with Carole, 9-10 a.m.

* Kid’s Nature School, 10-11:30 a.m. Fun activities for the island’s children hosted weekly.

Friday, Feb. 7

* Bingo, 5:30-8 p.m. Every first Friday will be bingo night! Doors open at 5:30 and we start playing at 6 p.m. 10 games (3 Card Pack is $30 and 2 Card Pack is $16) Progressive Jackpot on Game 10

Upcoming Events

* Verlon Thompson Concert, Sunday, Feb. 2, 7 p.m. Thompson is an American singer, songwriter, guitarist and troubadour from Binger, Oklahoma. He has long partnered with Guy Clark as a producer, guitarist and song co-writer. Tickets $25 available @

* Big Breakfast Fundraiser, Saturday, Feb. 8, 8-10 a.m. Come on out and enjoy a great breakfast made with so much love. All you can eat is just $9 to support the community. Big breakfasts will be held on the second Saturday of the month for five months. Hope to see you there!

* Paint with Kellie, Thursday, Feb. 13, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Paint with Kellie is a monthly event. Paintings will be $35. Please call Kellie to reserve a spot 440-360-0980 or email Kellie at

* Open Mic, Friday, Feb. 14, 1-4 p.m. “Open Mic” is a public event where anyone can get on stage and perform, typically music, poetry or comedy, offering a platform for new or developing artists to showcase their talent in front of an audience Contact Denise Huber at 208-290-2512 with questions

All activities are held at St James City Civic Association, 3300 Fourth Ave., St James City. Additional details, contacts and ticket sales are available at SJCCAPI.ORG.