
Catch 'em & Cook 'em: Beef Tenderloin Fillets with Green Peppercorn Sauce

1 min read


2 Tbsp butter

1 (8 oz) beef tenderloin fillets

2 C Marsala wine

1 C chicken broth

20 green peppercorns

2 C whipping cream

1/8 tsp Dijon mustard

How to:

1. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

2. Add fillets, and cook for 6 minutes on each side.

3. Remove fillets from skillet and keep warm.

4. Add wine, broth, add peppercorns to skillet and cook for 20 minutes or until liquid is reduced by half.

5. Stir in cream and mustard, cooking 20 minutes or until liquid is reduced by half.

6. Return fillets to skillet and serve warm.

Makes 2 servings

Capt. Dick May is the owner of Easy Rider Charters in Bokeelia. He can be reached at 239-283-3247 or “Capt. Dick’s Seafood & Southern Country Cooking” (a new cookbook) can be ordered for $14.95 plus $3 postage by calling the number above or mailing a check (made out to Dick May) to 7989 Judge Bean Road, Bokeelia, FL 33922.