
Make note of possible evacuation route changes

3 min read

A bridge project in Charlotte County has changed how Cape Coral and Pine Island residents will use Burnt Store Road as an evacuation route.

Charlotte County is closing Burnt Store Road at the Alligator Creek Bridge. The construction of the bridge may take up to six months. The bridge is being widened to four lanes as part of a future plan to widen Burnt Store Road all the way to the Lee County line. Hurricane season started June 1, and runs through Nov. 30. Charlotte County weighed doing the work during the winter season or during the hurricane season and concluded there would be less disruption during the hurricane season. The detour route is well marked and a traffic signal has been installed on U.S. 41 at Acline Road to detour traffic off Burnt Store Road until the replacement bridge is open. Lee County also plans to widen Burnt Store Road to four and then six lanes. Construction is not expected to start until 2014.

At a recent meeting with the Local Planning Agency found that a proposed ordinance to reduce road impact fees by an average of 27 percent is consistent with the Lee Plan and should be sent to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Commissioners are expected to set the public hearing for Tuesday, June 14, when they will vote on a new fee schedule.

From the Lee Count Community Development e-newsletter: “A new Road Impact Fee study recommends reduction sin specific fee categories that range from 14 percent for nursing homes to 46 percent for general warehouses. The fee for building a single-family residence would drop 25 percent to $6,701. The fee for building general office space would drop 27 percent to $5,355 per 1,000 square feet.”

“Road Impact Fees are assessed on new construction in unincorporated Lee to offset the cost of building or widening roads to accommodate growth. The road fee is based on cost of road construction, acquisition of right-of-way, and on travel demand factors, all of which have fallen since the last study.”

MangoMania is fast approaching, Saturday, July 30 and Sunday, July 31. The chamber can still use more volunteers to assist at the ticket booths, beverage stands and parking. Let’s work together and support our local businesses to make the summer of 2011 a great economic success.

We are pleased to announce the following business who joined the chamber in May:

Calusa Ridge: contact, Roger Schutt, managing member, Bokeelia 282-2001,

Please add this new member to your list of businesses here on Pine Island and show them your support. Please encourage your friends who might not be a chamber member to join and remind them of the benefits.