
Facing the storm

2 min read

Have you ever wondered if you are in the right place at the right time? Have you ever wondered if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time because you found yourself in a nasty storm of sorts? Many of us have the idea that if we are in the middle of a crisis or storm in our lives, we have fallen out of God’s will. We must be doing something wrong, or have done something wrong, etc. Yet, have we ever stopped to realize that God asks many of us to step into a storm and sail right through the hail?

Mark 6:45-51 tells the story of Jesus asking His disciples to get into the boat and sail across the lake to the other side. Unbeknownst to His disciples, He was asking them to step out into a storm. A few hours after they had gotten all settled into the boar, a fierce storm came up off the water and threatened their lives. Sometimes we fell like the storm we are presently in is about to sweep the oxygen right out of us! And because the storm is so fierce, we must not be on God’s radar!

Jesus doesn’t need a meteorologist to tell Him when a storm in brewing, He feels and sees it in His heart and arrives smack dab in the middles of our storms. There are times for each of us when we are called into a particular storm and our life line of hope is the fact that Jesus will see us through it. He actually will do better than that. He’ll jump right into our boats (our hearts and spirits) and ride the storm out with us.

So, if we find ourselves in an unpredictable, scary or threatening storm, believe Jesus when He says to us, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

My friends, Jesus will ride the winds with us.