
What is the truth about Christmas?

4 min read

“Tell me Daddy,” ten year old Layne said, “is it true what the other kids are saying about Christmas? Marcy and some of the other kids said there is no such thing as Santa or the Baby Jesus. What is the truth about Christmas?” Has a child or some other person ever approached you with a question similar to that? How did you respond? As far as the Santa issue is concerned, that is left to each parent to handle knowing their own child. What about the Baby Jesus? What is the truth about Him?

From a historical standpoint, there is no denying the existence of Jesus. History teaches us that He was a real person who lived in Judea two thousand years ago. As a real person He had what each of us has: a birthday. Whether or not it was Dec. 25 or not is debatable. There are many arguments for and against the date we celebrate, but it is not my intent to debate it here. It really does not matter. What matters is that Jesus was born.

The question then arises, “Who was He?” The best way to know who He was is to examine His parentage. The Bible tells us His mother was a young woman named Mary. So far nothing unusual — except Mary was a virgin. Virgin means more than simply “young woman.” It means a woman who is chaste and pure i.e. never having been with a man. How does a virgin have a child? The answer is they do not outside a God sent miracle. There are eight miraculous births recorded in Scriptures, but only one, Jesus’, was a virgin birth. His birth, the eighth, is significant in that the number eight means a new beginning in Jewish numerology. Mary was the recipient, not the worker of the miracle. That means the answer lies with Jesus other parent: His Father.

Who was His Father and where was He from? According to the locals of that day, Jesus’ father was a carpenter from Galilee. Matthew 13:55 says, ” Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary?” Jesus was considered a child born out of wedlock due to a supposed pre-marital fling between Joseph and Mary. Joseph was considered the father of Jesus according to the people, but was He? Some thought that Mary and someone else were guilty of fornication. Little did they realize someone else indeed was the Father of Jesus, but Mary and this Someone else were guilty of no sin.

Remember, Mary was the recipient of a miracle from God. Almighty God Himself, not Joseph was the Father of Jesus Christ. Many times we read in Scriptures where Jesus called God His Father. We also read in Matthew 3:17 and 17:5 that God verified as true that Jesus was His Son. The Apostle Peter testified in 2 Peter 1:17 that he personally heard God declare Jesus as His Son.

The truth about Christmas is that it is when we celebrate the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. That, not Santa, nor tree trimming, nor gift giving nor even family gathering, is the truth about Christmas. Those things, not bad in themselves, are suppose to enhance Christmas, not become the main focus. However and wherever you celebrate Christmas, be sure at some point to whisper, Happy Birthday, Jesus.”

Come and celebrate Christmas with us here at First Baptist, St. James City. On Sunday evening, Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m. we will celebrate with our annual Christmas cantata. This year’s program will be a mixture of worship, and whimsical fun. Come see how these two ideas can merge into a memorable evening. Refreshments will be served following the service.

Our annual Christmas Eve Candle-light service will be Dec. 24, at 6:30 p.m. I will be preaching a message titled, “A Baby Changes Everything.” Come see us at both our Christmas services. We’d be honored by your presence.

Victor Cooper is Pastor of the First Baptist Church of St. James City located at the corner of Eighth Avenue and Oleander Street (Stringfellow Blvd). For service times see the ad in the center of the church section in this publication and visit us on the web at