
Come away with me

3 min read

One of my favorite childhood jokes was about a lady who opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves.

“What are you doing in there?” she asked.

The rabbit replied: “This refrigerator is a Westinghouse, isn’t it?”


“Well, I’m westing.”

Everybody needs a “westing” house. “Rest Area” signs along every major freeway remind us that in order to drive safely drivers should rest and stretch their legs. These signs are metaphoric reminders that every individual needs a rest area, a time away from the stresses and hurried routines of our lives.

Jesus said: “Come away with me to a deserted place and rest (Mk. 6:31).” However, some people do not have to be told to slow down and smell the roses, because they are already going through life as if they are reincarnated snails. They say: “Jesus said, ‘Come away with me to a quiet place,’ so we moved to Pine Island and now all that we do is spend our day planning for a dull evening, and occasionally burn the midnight oil by staying up past 9:00.”

However, even these take it slow and easy turtles have to cope with artificial lights, the din of automobile horns, soap operas, carbon monoxide, cigar smoke, noisy neighbors, slow drivers and gum sticking to their shoes. As a result, they too suffer from ulcers and high blood pressure. If people would be perfectly honest they would admit that often their physical ailments come from practicing the wrong religion. They are 7th day absentists. The problem with being a 7th day absentist is that they never take time to “lie in God’s green pastures, or walk beside God’s still waters” (Ps. 23:2) and therefore do not experience refreshment for their souls.

Jesus said: “Come away with me to a deserted place and rest (Mk. 6:31).” Note: Jesus isn’t talking vacation because most people return from a vacation needing another to recover. The disciples go away with Jesus. Jesus is the center, the core, the axis and the hub of a Christian’s life. A Christian cannot take time off from Jesus any more than their heart can take time off from beating. Jesus says: “Come unto me all you who labor and I will give your rest.” Note the implication: without Jesus there is no rest.

Philip Melancthon, the great Reformation theologian, once said to Martin Luther, “This day you and I will discuss the governance of the universe.” Luther replied: “This day you and I will go fishing and leave the governance of the universe to God.”

This week make it a priority to disengage from your every day activities and in prayer and meditation “go away with Jesus to a deserted place” to find rest, refreshment and restoration for your body and soul.