Jesus connection
A mother wrote to the president of the University of Florida and asked him to make certain that her son would be given a roommate who did not smoke, swear, tell smutty stories, drink, carouse, who went to church regularly and had good study habits. She closed her letter saying: “This is the first time my son has been away from home except for the time he spent in the Marines.”
This mother may have been a bit nave, but we’re never too old for our mothers to worry about us. And like a good mother, Jesus worried about the nematodes of weakness that would destroy the faith of His disciples. Therefore He tells them: “I am the vine – you are the branches. Abide in me, for apart from you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5).
The mission of a branch isn’t to look good or to call attention to itself, but to give all the glory to God, the vine grower. In like manner the mission of a mother is not to look good or to call attention to herself. I have assured many attractive young ladies that they will eventually shed the pounds of pregnancy, but they will never feel the same about themselves. A young woman’s life, now so important to her, will become of less value once she has a child. In fact, her hope now becomes to watch her children accomplish their dreams rather than accomplish her own dreams.
A mother is forever connected to her offspring, in like manner, Christ, is forever connected to us and we to Him. Jesus says: “Keep connected because apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). You might go through life as handicapped as a trumpet player with loose teeth – get connected to Jesus and blow melodies of victory. You might say: I’m nobody’s fool” and your friends say: “We will find someone to adopt you” – get connected to Jesus and be triumphant. Jesus is the vine and you are the branches: receive His life-giving power.
On Sunday, we applauded mothers for having six pairs of hands and three pairs of eyes, for refereeing battles over the prize at the bottom of Captain Crunch, for having a kiss that will heal almost any “owie” and for having a love that never quits. This week let us also praise Jesus who, like a good mother, keeps us from being blown away by the storms, failures and conflicts of life. Jesus is the one who offers us “living water” when we are feeling dried out and lifeless (Jn. 4:10), and it is Jesus who nourishes us with His teachings when we are wandering aimlessly along dangerous paths. Jesus supports us when we fall, forgives us when we sin and even breathes new life into us when we are feeling dead inside.
Let’s face it, we are all tomato plants. As tomato plants we need to be tied to a stake for support or we will fall over and die. Therefore, if we wish to stand tall and victorious, then stay tied to Jesus for He is the vine that gives to its branches abundant life and life eternal.