
Tis the Season . . .

3 min read

We always wonder at this time of year how many of our Northern friends will visit paradise, AKA Pine Island, and help make our business season a success.

Now is the time to put your best foot forward and show these visitors what Pine Island has to offer.

The Chamber’s winter marketing campaign is now in full swing as well, with television promotions, newspaper advertisements, press releases as well as web banner ads and brochures in Welcome Centers throughout Florida.

We’re doing everything we can to compete for the tourist dollars and all of our promotions focus on Pine Island’s great surroundings, great neighbors, wonderful businesses and the island’s future potential as an unspoiled habitat for both humans and animals.

In conjunction with our winter promotions, the Chamber held its first business showcase in many years earlier this month.

More than 25 of our business colleagues gathered at the Lutheran Church to show the public, and their business brethren, what they had to offer.

While holiday happenings and other conflicting events were held at the same time, those businesses that took part were optimistic at the opportunity this showcase provided.

As a result, a second business showcase is now being planned for January, when most of our northern residents are here.

Watch for details from the Chamber, which is working diligently to keep Pine Island foremost in people’s minds.

The Chamber’s latest local venture is the rebirth of our painted poles project.

Due to an amazing response from local artists we have extended the deadline for design submissions. LCEC has already approved 22 new designs and we know more are in the works.

Pine Island’s painted poles are a unique part of our environment and provide us a niche marketing approach.

Next month we’ll be asking Islanders to vote for their favorite new pole.

Our pole-team leaders (Andre Mule, Wayne Reed, Robert Woitkowski, and King Richard Grimes) are busily priming the poles for artists and Queen Lynn Berreitter and Lisa Benton are helping encourage our artists and getting designs approved.

Most of all, we thank the artists who share their work to help beautify our island and make it unique.

Any artist who would like to put his work on one of our poles is encouraged to call Lisa Benton at the Chamber for more details.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.