
Trust is all gone

1 min read

To the editor:

President Obama has evolved into a huge disappointment!

Simply, I don’t trust our President and I’m worried about the future of America. Whether it is Obamacare, the IRS, Benghazi, or fast and furious to name a few very troubling scandals, these things prove he’s either willfully ignorant or calculating and cold. Either way I don’t trust him to make decisions for me and my family!

With three years to go in his presidency, Barack Obama is now focused on ramming his liberal views and policies – liberal judges, Planned Parenthood, legalizing 10-plus million illegal immigrants -down our throats. His goal being to change America and transform the greatest nation on earth into a second rate army of beggars, incapable of sustaining themselves without the government.

The Obama administration has failed in every way possible. This gang has offended the framers. They have ignored Americas principles and practices, and they have recklessly challenged God.

In the 2014 and 2016 elections we must make the urgent changes; it’s our only hope to save America!

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral