Drive in defense of our wildlife
To the editor:
This week I experienced a situation that could have been averted had a person been driving responsibly.
A gopher tortoise was in the road on the east side of Stringfellow Road near Tropical Point. It was headed west.
There were three vehicles headed north and I cringed as I saw how close they were to each other … way too close to see what was in the road ahead.
When I returned to move the tortoise to the side of the road, it was completely smashed.
We need to slow down and always be mindful that our wildlife is vulnerable to our cars and trucks. They are a precious gift and we need to coexist together.
Please keep your eyes on the road at all times and travel at a safe distance from the car ahead of you. By driving defensively many accidents such as this can be avoided.
Mimi Hollway
St. James City