
Donate to the Pine Island Food Pantry

1 min read

To the editor:

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been reading of a food drive on the island that will benefit the Harry Chapin Food Bank. That is a commendable effort.

But, it makes me wonder why a business on the island that depends on islanders’ business and for employees, bypasses our own Pine Island Food Pantry located at the Catholic Church. The Pine Island Food Pantry is not a government-sponsored organization. It depends on donations from local individuals and businesses, either in the form of food or cash.

The Pine Island Food Pantry is open to all in need on our beautiful island and in Matlacha. That includes a lot of people, including many children. Our food pantry often runs low on food to feed our needy. They have to buy food from the Harry Chapin Food Bank to replenish shelves when donations are not sufficient.

Wouldn’t it be so much better if we ran food drives often and gave the food directly to the Pine Island Food Pantry?

Kathy Taylor

St. James City