
Neighborhood Watch update

4 min read

To the editor:

This is just a slight recap from our last two Neighborhood Watch meetings that were held, I do apologize for this latest meeting not being mentioned in the paper, I did not make the deadline. Also, it is very hard for me to try to contact everyone on the list as I am only one person. So, please accept my sincere apology.

Both meetings were very informative. I handed out some new pamphlets that Lee County Sheriff’s Department has available at one of its substations which I personally took the time to explain thoroughly.

Our main concern was and still is the speeding on Birdsong Lane. Hopefully with school being out, this will decrease the traffic. But please keep in mind, the children are home and out on their bikes, be very cautious.

I did my best to obtain street lights, however it is up to each homeowner to request a street light, pay for it and then pay the monthly fee electric bill, that bill for power is low, however it is close to $250 to have one installed.

The leash law was also discussed in length. Some animals do get away from us from time to time, but there is a leash law, if it is a repetitive issue, citations can and will be issued. This is the animal owner’s responsibility, the person/persons who do the reporting are doing the correct thing and shall not be held accountable for the citations issued nor shall they be blamed. It’s common sense, please be neighborly.

Speed bumps, well we need about 50 more signatures. During the next few weeks members will be coming around looking for signatures. This is a long process, so we need to get on this soon.

I would like to personally thank Deputy Campion Wylie for attending our recent meeting this past Wednesday, I am sure he clarified what it is he is going to do to help us with our Neighborhood Watch, as well as his fellow deputies.

It is imperative to report any and all suspicious vehicles in the area, please do your best to get the plate number and report all suspicious activity. People out walking that you have never seen before, we need to all make these calls to the non-emergency number first, then you may call your neighbors and ask them to watch for these people. Do not follow them, report activity and your duty is done.

With school being out, there will lots of bored kids, remember, they are kids. However, keep your eyes open at all times because this also means that season is over with and there are lots of vacant homes. These can become targets. If you are aware that you are leaving, feel free to call your coordinator and also the sheriff non-emergency number so they can also up their patrol.

I also would like the thank Carol Casal, Realtor/property manager, for attending and explaining some of the riders that are attached to leases. Not all Realtor/or rental agents have these riders. It is illegal to commit a crime, drug related and/or otherwise while being a tenant in some rentals. It is clearly stated that an eviction can take place.

This Neighborhood Watch will become more active than in the past. There are civilian patrols all hours of the day, not to mention the deputies will be and have been patrolling our neighborhood,

The success of this program depends on those who decide to become active and follow through with reporting suspicious activity.

Code enforcement also was discussed. Some complaints are called in, others are just because code enforcement are out riding around and trust me, they will be out doing their jobs. Any questions you may have, feel free to call them.

There is a number that I would like to give out to those of you who live in neighborhoods who would like to have your own Neighborhood Watch area. The person you need to contact is Trisha Bissler, Crime Prevention Practitioner, her telephone number is 239-477-1801.

Thank all of you who attended, and there will be more added meetings, I’m hoping one every 4 months or sooner if there is an issue that needs to be discussed.

Thank you once again.

Lori DePalma

Bokeelia Neighborhood

Watch coordinator