Islander has concerns about the District 19 race
To the editor:
All candidates for District 19 have some sort of history but when it comes to Curt Clawson, it is getting ridiculous. When they have to go back to 2006 to try to find something against him due to the fact the other allegations have been disproved. Its sounds to me the other candidates are concerned Mr. Clawson is very qualified to represent District 19.
I was hoping to see some stories about Liz Benacquisto attending a fund-raiser with Sarah Palin instead of staying in Tallahassee to vote on the budget bill. Somehow her vote was cast by another as if she was there. Has this happened before? Everyone is talking about credibility. Where is the credibility that someone else voted for her? Fund-raising was more important than our state budget. Is this who you want representing you?
There are questions I’d like answered instead of talking about a house that was bought in 2006. Statements such as Mr. Clawson not being qualified to run and would be eaten up by the Washington, D.C., people is absurd. I haven’t seen anything from the other candidates that would really qualify them. Mr. Clawson has created jobs. What jobs has the other candidates created?
Then we had the debate that was aired Wednesday night. Coincidently, three other candidates held a press conference concerning Mr. Clawson prior to the debate. Mr. Clawson didn’t crash their party as a local news publication stated. Once they completed their statements and the cameras were off them, Mr. Clawson spoke on the issue. The only other candidate that I would say has credibility is Dr. Dreikorn.
Who to vote for is still up in the air, but the air is starting to stink. I hope they all meant what they said.
Joe Loibl