From Our Hearts says Thank You
To the Editor,
We would like to say Thank You to all who donated to Breast Fest for our Silent Auction and Walker Raffle. They are as follows; Rose Connor, Meredith Higgins, Keller Pools, Sharon Kubik, Rudy Kubik, Dick May, My Captiva Fishing Guide, Two Fish Inn, Red’s Fresh Seafood Restaurant, Beachouse Lodge, Mary Thede, Belle’s Secret Island Spa, Spa 33, Doc Watson’s Liquor, Sandy Hook, Winn Dixie, Island Laundry, The Island Grill, Cupcake Express, Jodee Nelson, Blue Crab Car Wash, St James City Auto, John & Marcia Thurston, Beverly & Terry Brewer, CW Fudge Factory, Dot Birmingham, Joanna Bowles, Linda Schultz, Ron Royer, Diane Roberts, Lynn Smith, Laura DeVoe, Doug McGregor, Laurette Sutton, The Whole Experience, Linda Hopkins, Valerie & Tom Cleaver, COSAS FMB, Salon LA, Marie Kocher, Denise Brown.
We would also like to thank all of our vendors who participated in Breast Fest, unfortunately I don’t have all of their names however they know who they are. Thank you for all of your wonderful offerings.
We also want to Thank our musicians; Last Resort, Strange Arrangement, High Tide, Gary & Kerri and SWAMP. You gave our audience a great day of music!
We would be remiss if we didn’t Thank our Pine Island Fire Department for their time and for arranging for “The Pink Fire Truck” to visit us.
We also thank Fox 4 for being a sponsor. With thanks to Miriam Zamorano (from Fox 4) for being a wonderful announcer for us.
Last, but certainly not least we thank the walkers, their donators and everyone who turned out to support us. As we keep saying “It Takes An Island”. Pine Island is the best at supporting “Our Island”. Thank you to everyone. See you next year!
Mary Scott,
President of From Our Heart’s