Lions say thank you
To the editor:
We would like to thank the people who came forward to volunteer to help us: Lalah and David Groen from Ohio Lions; Bill Reilly and Carl Player from Ontario, Canada Lions; Sue and Ray Eslinger for helping Rubye Woodhead (GPI Lion) with the decoration; Bernadette Sullivan, St. James City, who also helped with decorations; Lions Susan Simpson, Chuck Higgins, Jerry Kay, Leslie Osborne, Donna Martin, Terry and Ed Doss (Ohio Lions) and Mary Jean Schimmel. Also a big thank you to Lion Mark Haffner, who again this year did a great job as our auctioneer. Thanks also to all the people who bought tickets. You have to have a ticket to win and win they did. Our first prize $1,000 winner was Pam Evans from Cape Coral, second prize $500 winner was Judi Boron, SJC (who graciously donated her winnings back to GPI Lions), third prize winner of $100 was Chris Fairbanks of Pine Island and fourth prize of $100 winner was John Evans of Cape Coral. Congratulations!!!!
Mark your calendars now: the 2015 GPI Lions raffle/auction will be held Sunday, Feb. 15, at the St. James Civic Center (time to be announced later).
Now is the time to voice your opinions Did you like the silent auction we added this year? What would you like to see changed with anything we do? What would you like to see added? How can we get more people to buy the tickets?
We want your help to continue making this a Pine Island event that we can keep on the island. We need to sell the 100 tickets in order to have the money we need to provide services on the island. Last year, 2013-14, we had seven eye surgeries that we had to pay for that were provided by doctors and 63 eye exams and glasses.
We also would like to extend our thanks to all of the many companies, businesses and residents who generously donated to our Auction. If I miss anyone, I please accept my apologies: Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre, Dominoes Pizza (SJC), Pine Island Pest Control, Florida Everblades, Carl’s Service, Woody’s Waterside, Diamond’s Billiards (Cape Coral), Tarpon Lodge (Pineland), Captain Dick May – Cookbook, 4 Winds Marina, Island Grill, Red’s Fresh Seafood, Taste of CW Island Fudge Shop, Island Girl Fitness, Wild Fly Charters, Porto Bella (Burnt Store Road Marina), Low Key Tiki, Tween Waters Inn, Miracle Baseball, Bert’s Bar, Norman Love Confections, Cardinals Care (St. Louis, Mo.), Aerial Tour for two, Bud USA Olympic 2000 collectible bottle, Disney, Island Center Auto, Alden Pines, St. James Automotive, SPA 33, Frills Gallery, Great Licks Ice Cream, Angles Hair Design, Cup Cake Express, Dr. Watson, Matlacha Menagerie, Trader’s Hitching Post, Footprints in the Sand, Seven Seas Bait Shop, Bert’s Bar Pine Bay Gallery, Beachhouse Lodge, CVS Dragon Kite, Captain Con’s Fish House, Lazy Flamingo, Greenwell’s Bat & Ball & Family Fun, John Elway Jersey (Jerry Kay donated), Froggy’s, Ragged Ass Saloon, Waterfront, Center Bait & Tackle, Old Pine Island Marine & Tackle, Tampa Bay Rays, Pampered Pup, Foster’s Grill, Palm Auto Mall (Punta Gorda), Realty World (Joyce Sass), Danny Yates Landscaping & Nursery, Southwest Florida Symphony, Capt. Kenny Archer Airboat Ride, John Michaels Jewelry (Cape Coral), Mike Jendruisiak two residential mowings, Lion Fish (pillow), Around the Clock Fitness, and Mango Tango for delivering nine plants and trees. Red & Rose Lusk donated a box of their book “ALASKA One More Time” that were offered for auction with no bidders. A Starcraft Cooler was donated and went to the highest bidder at our silent auction. They will be held for next year’s auction.
Hope to see you around the island when we ask for donations for White Cane Awareness in March “Prevent Blindness, Give Now.”
President Lion Mary M. Von Burg