Thank you to the American Legion Family
To the editor:
The American Legion Post 136 of St .James City and our family of the Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion and Legion Riders has had a great year of donating major money to groups like Wounded Warriors, The Fisher House, Track Chairs, Pine Island Food Pantry, P. I. Elementary School, P. I. Boy Scouts, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Hurricane Sandy American Legion Posts, Calusa Land Trust, scholarships for P. I. students and so many other charities that support veterans, their families and local charities.
Every time you buy a drink, a dinner, pay your dues, buy a raffle ticket, make a donation, you allow us the gift of giving back. You can come in and have a good meal, listen to some great entertainment or just come in to socialize with your friends. Every time you do, you support our efforts to give back and we thank you.
Thank you for being a member of our American Legion Family. At this time of year and every day we thank you for your support. “Every day is Veterans Day” at Post 136!
We are offering a one-year free membership to any veteran or active military person who has served from August 2001 until today as long as you live in one of the three ZIP codes on Pine Island. This offer will expire on Feb.1, 2014.
Capt. Barry August,
Adjutant & Past Commander