
Quiet time on the island

3 min read

To the editor:

We have finally been blessed with the long awaited cooler temperatures of the fall and winter seasons here in Florida. It is the time when our air conditioners can take a break, and we can enjoy the freedom of opening our windows.

My quest is to speak up on behalf of all of those individuals, who for whatever reason, struggle to acquire a full night’s sleep. They may be folks who work late shifts, battle with insomnia or may be inflicted with health issues that prevent them from acquiring their much needed rest. There are invalids who rely on family members to provide round-the-clock patient care. This includes rotating the bed-ridden loved one every two hours, and providing assistance with any other personal needs. When this labor of love is divided among family members, one of them will inevitably sacrifice his or her own needs. For most of these care givers, they only acquire three to four hours sleep in a 24-hour period.

There are noise ordinances in our community that, for the most part, are obeyed by the “respectable” citizens who live here. Many social gatherings are subdued at a reasonable hour as the sun sets. But what about the other end of the nocturnal spectrum? I can understand that there are shrimp boats that rely on the nighttime to conduct their business, newspapers to be delivered before the sun rises and lawns to be manicured in the cool hours of the morning. What I struggle with are the nyctophiliacs who enjoy walking under the moonlit, starry canopy in the wee hours of the morning. It truly is a spectacular experience for those who partake in this ritual. But for those who struggle with getting a sufficient amount of night time sleep, it can be torture when these “walkers” stroll down the street, carrying on full fledged conversations with their companions. I personally experience these sleep disruptions several times a week, starting as early as 3 to 5 in the morning. Some folks have difficulty in falling back to sleep after such intrusions.

To all of you vocal, night time “walkers” and “bike peddlers,” may I suggest that you show some respect for those who don’t have the same agenda as you. Continue to enjoy your exercise, but please save your conversing for later. Maybe consider waiting until 9 a.m. to start your outdoor socializing. This would allow those who suffer from sleep deprivation, to enjoy the cool morning temps, in order to catch an extra wink or two! I’d be willing to bet that they don’t interfere with your personal home space and quiet “sleep” time, by talking outside your bedroom windows!

One more note. To those of you who do nocturnal deliveries, mainly The News-Press, may I suggest that please turn your radio down, or off, while in any residential areas. Even your vocal conversations are disruptive. For those of you who need to have any construction work done on your home, please have it scheduled for daylight hours. I’ve seen a driveway being poured at 3 a.m.

Aleta Wiegand

Pine Island