
Let’s talk trash

2 min read

To the editor:

What has happened to our little island? While riding down Stringfellow Road today I saw the tractors had come by to cut the grass, only to reveal all the trash and garbage that has accumulated. It looked like a big city street somewhere. I’m sure I’m not the only one disgusted at the sight of the trash.

The county apparently isn’t taking care of the trash problem, and maybe it’s not in their contract to do so. But we can either complain about others who lack accountability for minding their own trash and point fingers elsewhere, or we can take pride in our little island and clean it up ourselves. We can’t wait for someone else to do it.

The “Adopt a Highway” program is something that would be great to see local organizations get involved in. As individuals and neighbors we could also go out on our own it’s great exercise for those who are able. I have gone out many times picking up trash between Laratonda and St. Jude Boulevard. I have been that “someone else” who has taken care of it and it’s lonely out there!

We just can’t wait for others to take the lead. Maybe it’s someone else’s trash or someone else’s job, but they’ve made it our problem. We can work at fixing those issues but in the meantime, why not pick a section of Stringfellow near your home where you walk or ride your bicycle? Each time you go out bring along a trash bag (and some gloves) to pick up the trash as you go. Maybe it will start to catch on and more people will get involved.

Let’s work together to keep Pine Island beautiful. I hope to see you out there.

Hugh Bremner

St. James City