To the editor:
If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor: PERIOD!
The above words were spoken publicly, over and over again by President Obama to the American people.
Yet he knew in 2010 that his message was not true. President Obama outright lied to all of us, including every Democrat that supported him and his plan from the beginning. As of today, we have over 50 million Americans who have had their personal healthcare plans canceled by their insurance companies.
Over three years ago. Obama knew this would happen. His intent was to transfer all these people into Obamacare.
Well, Mr. President, it is not working. You are the first president in the history of our great nation to come up with a plan, implement it in the dead of night with a Democratic majority, without one yes vote from any member of your opposing party.
It is now obvious to most of us that Congressional Democrats did not read the bill before passing it and you pulled the wool right over their eyes.
Now, under extreme pressure from irate constituents, you and your supporters are scrambling to reinvent the wheel.
Did it take the thought of not getting reelected to wake up your Democratic party?
Brian Whitehouse
Cape Coral