Spend aid money at home
To the editor:
I read recently that the U.S. was going to cancel $800 millions of Foreign Aid to Pakistan! I Google’d “U.S. Foreign Aid”! The web site that I was directed to :www.parade.com/news/intelligence-report/archive/who-gets-foreign-aid.html! In the same report I heard that Pakistan is one of two major “Nuclear Threats” in the mid-east!. To my surprise, we are providing Aid to over 150 countries! When the information came up, it listed the top 10 countries receiving aide! Israel-$2.4 Billion, Egypt-$1.7 Billion, Million, and so on! Note: The information that was given was dated Dec. 14, 2008! Why are we providing aid to 150 countries when we have needs here?
Larry Freeman
St James City