Pick of the litter
To the editor:
Of all the candidates for the off of President I wouldn’t pick any. It would be the same old story. Corruption and favors and bowing to big business.
And speaking of big business, I would vote for Bill Gates. He’s intelligent and he has morals, a combination rare in politics. He couldn’t be any worse then Obama and Gates has brains.
Just food for thought.
Surely with all the places in foreclosure somebody could find housing for some vets.
The court system is crying poverty and yet the Anthony trial is a prime example of waste. More like a circus then a courtroom.
What ever happened to a speedy trial? 12,000 crack cocaine prisoners released early. Probably need them out on the streets to sell drugs. Next the justice system will be giving awards for different crimes.
TVs, cell phones, computers, gyms in the jails. Anyone want to sign up for a vacation? Especially at a federal prison.
I can remember when a prisoner didn’t have any rights.
They’ll be committing crimes just to get free room and board the way the economy is.
And don’t forget the prisoner can sue because they don’t provide make up for the men prisoners. Say what?
If there are any movie producers out there, I have three movies on the shelf and one book in the making. Get in touch.
In closing there is no one in Washington with leadership so get out your favorite coin and flip it.
Ralph’s hint. Ingrown toenail. Just cut a V in center of nail, a quarter inch wide and as deep as possible, should be cured in two days.
Ralph Brookhart
St. James City, FL