
No pay for non-performance

2 min read

To the editor:

I completely agree with Dick Kalfus’ and Joseph Curran’s recent letters. Both had to do with the pay scales of government officials. When an employee doesn’t perform, he is docked his wage. Since the Congress and the President haven’t performed their duty to govern this nation, their wages should be docked. Better than that, their wages should be cut! With 9 percent of the population unemployed, and no work coming from Congress or the President, I propose that there should be, at least, a 9 percent cut in their pay. (I really think it should be 20-20 percent.) If their pay was according to the unemployment rate, maybe they would get serious about what ails this country, excess government regulations that destroys the initiative of anyone trying to start a business or expand their business. Most of the unwillingness of employers to hire is the uncertainty of what new regulation will be coming our out next, and what it will cost the employer for each new hire.

And as for Mr. Curran’s comments, he is perfectly right. Cuts in pay should start at the top. Not only does it set a good example, but it acknowledges the fact that they recognize that a large part of the population of the city is suffering. Also applies to the above.

Doris Heyns

Cape Coral, FL