
Debt limit and budget woes

1 min read

To the editor:

Wake up Washington! We are tired of you playing “chicken” with our economy. Stop trying to hide where the cuts will be when you talk about your Penny Plans and Budget Caps. Come on, be honest.

You don’t have the courage to say where the cuts will be. Instead of being honest and openly defending the special interests, you create “cut and cap” legislation to all but prevent closing tax loopholes for your big donors.

Instead of offering a budget that specifically targets where you will cut (we assume you will hit the middle class and retirees), you propose to cut a penny from each dollar. Is our system so broken that you can’t stop catering to your wealthy buddies? The $6 million dollars per year that lobbyists spend for each and every congressman and senator is effecting your ability to govern fairly.

Our country’s well-being is more important than you getting reelected. Creating jobs is more important than you getting reelected. The truth is more important than you getting reelected.

Do your job!

Jim Roach

Candidate for Congress 2012

Cape Cora