A trip down memory lane
To the editor:
Look back in history when times were good. Duplicate those times. That’s all there is to it.
With our technology, experience, and know how we could out produce any nation.
But big greedy business wants to make outrageous profit from cheap and child labor.
We have to get our steel mills and mining again.
Force the auto industry, appliance and textile industries to be made here. We need millions and millions of jobs and that’s the only way to don’t.
Of course we have to get rid of all corrupt politicians, which would leave us with? Abe Lincoln. And Abe being dead would make a better president than what we have now, and before.
Like I say, big business wants huge profits. Then we put in enormous import tax on their products. That will level the playing field.
Put Big Brother into effect, but in reverse. Let’s spy on the officials. Find out how many yachts they have. Are they taking a five-hour lunch instead of one hour? How much property do they own and is it within reason without pay off? Do they accomplish any thing? In other words is their job needed? Is the water cooler their job site? And, let’s face it, this whole mess didn’t happen overnight. It’s been going on for decades but apparently none of our elected officials notice it, which doesn’t say much for either party. But the Democrats did scrape the bottom of the barrel picking Obama.
I don’t know if you noticed but the foreign products are junk., don’t last, are noisy and in some case, dangerous.
So start learning to shop American so your kids and grandkids will have a job. Ask yourself, am I the reason my husband, son or daughter, grandson doesn’t have a job? You probably are. How much would we save if we took the benefits away from the politicians? Worth looking into. I am sure they could survive on the graft, pay offs and lobbyists.
Ralph Brookhart
St. James City