
No laughing matter

1 min read

To the editor:

Every time I see the story on President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness which met in Durham, N.C., at Cree Inc., my stomach turns. Laughing at not having shovel ready projects that have already been paid for with taxpayer money is no joke. With the way the economy is and people trying to keep their heads above water — I can’t see any humor in his statement. It even irks me more to see “Mr. G.E.” (Jeffrey Immelt), whose company paid little or no taxes as reported in the news “erupting in laughter.”

Isn’t it about time President Obama put real Americans ahead of overseeing what our money is spent on and not people who think everything is a joke? Then again we also have Turbo Tim Treasury Secretary and head of President Obama’s economic programs. The only shovel ready he understands is unburying loopholes in the tax code that he could use for his own advantage. I wonder if he ever paid those back taxes including interest and fines?

Joseph Loibl
