Cut Cap Balance Senate Vote
To the Editor
To put it mildly, I am appalled by the action of the United States Senate. Placing a vote to table an issue means two things. One is that there is no discussion allowed and secondly that it takes the person that made the motion needs to motion to take it off the table. We know this will never happen. This is a cop out. Any other time Bills come from the House of Representatives and then the Senate will act on all or parts, revise, change edit etc and vote then send it back to the House. All democratic Senators voted to table. No guts, and therefore they get no glory from me. This is an important issue to this country and to its citizens and the Senate should have at least had the courtesy to review and/or rebuke whatever they didn’t approve or want to change in the Bill. Instead Tabling the bill without any consideration is a detriment to the country and the people who elected them to serve. It is also interesting the Senate recap does not show who made the motion or who second prior to the vote.
In Conclusion, 2012 can’t come fast enough.
Donna Loibl