
Thank you Lee Co. Mosquito Control

1 min read

To the editor:

Yesterday, (May 26th) I was trying to do a little yard work at my Bokeelia home and the mosquitoes were pretty rough to say the least. They drove me indoors and I made a call to Mosquito Control. I was not put on hold or inconvenienced in any way. The lady there was extremely courteous and helpful. She knew we were dealing with a severe problem out here and said they would try and spray again ASAP. I also left a message with Robert Hedrick (Aerial Inspector). He promptly returned my call and explained a few things to me. This is the worst mosquito outbreak on the island since 1984 and the earlier efforts to spray have been hindered by upward air currents which would not let the chemicals fall to the earth.

Mr. Hedrick said if conditions were favorable that night they would send a cargo plane out to spray. Believe me they did. We counted, I think 9 passes over the north end of the island where I live. This morning I am able to go outside in comfort.

Thanks again for a job well done.

Fritz Costello
