Review of Matlacha Overlay Plan
To the editor:
On June 10, the LDC Advisory Committee reviewed the Matlacha Overlay Plan. This 15-member commission-appointed group of unpaid volunteers advise the county commissioners on amendments to the Land Development Code.
Greg Stuart, Stuart and Associates Planning and Design Services, a resident of Matlacha made a presentation complete with a display of diagrams and photos. Committee members asked a number of questions. They also wanted to ensure that we had community participation and support. We informed them of numerous articles in our Pine Island Eagle, flyers delivered door-to-door inviting residents to a presentation at the October, 2010 civic association meeting and continuous updates at monthly civic meetings. We allowed residents to think about the Plan for a month and return to Matlacha Civic’s November, 2010 meeting for further discussion before a vote by ballot. The tally indicated over 90 percent of this larger-than-usual crowd supported submitting this plan.
The LDCAC voted to endorse the Matlacha Overlay without objection. The Plan does not affect Matlacha Isles or the Historic District. There will be two more reviews then a public hearing before the county commissioners which is expected this fall.
The second of these three reviews will be the Executive Regulatory Oversight Committee (EROC) on Wednesday, July 13, at 2 p.m. in Conference Room 1B on the first floor of the Community Development Building, 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers. Brief comments from the public are allowed. Due to summer vacations please call to confirm meetings at 533-8585, Nettie Richardson, Lee County Zoning or Kathy Malone, Overlay Plan Committee, 239-283-3762 or
Kathy Malone
Committee Member