
Memorial service was well attended

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Photo contributed The island VFW and American Legion commemorated Memorial Day with a special ceremony held last week at the VFW.

To the editor:

This Memorial Day ceremony was held at the Pine Island VFW Post 4353 in conjunction with the Pine Island American Legion Post 136 and invited guests. The turnout was more than expected and it had to be the largest group to commemorate this special day ever seen on Pine Island.

Member Bob Betz supplies the patriotic music for the singing of the National Anthem and then VFW Commander Rich Adams, American Legion Commander Barry August and Past VFW Commander Larry Guy spoke of the meaning of Memorial Day and why we celebrate this day. Very inspiring words by these men.

RIch Adams then turned the ceremony over to American Legion Honor Guard Commander Art Haley who led his men in a rifle volley and playing of taps. This year’s Honor Guard consisted of Commander Art Haley, Gene Gargano, Keith Keefer, Pete Trazzera and DIck Thomas. Color Guard present were Gary Avery, Jan Sausman, Patti Paul and Jeanne Healey. Bugler was Joey Donkersloot.

After the ceremony, all retired to the VFW Canteen where a terrific lunch was served along with their favorite adult beverages.

For God and county,

Dick Thomas

Honor Guard and Post Service 136 officer