“Hooked on Seniors” event a big success
To the editor:
Our second annual “Hooked on Seniors” Dinner Dance was another fun and successful evening, due to the hard work and collaboration of many island residents and businesses! Thank you to all the volunteers from the Matlacha Hookers, Beacon of H.O.P.E. and family members for their donation their time and salad items. Thank you to the Elks Club for their hospitality, PI United Methodist Church for the use of their kitchen and to Stringtown for their energetic entertainment.
We extend our gratitude to the following businesses for donating to our event; Sandy Hook, Little Lilly’s Island Deli, Panera Bread on Pine Island Road, Sysco Foods, Winn Dixie, Tropic Star, April’s Island Salon and Arthur Murray Dance Studio. Thank you to Stonegate Bank for sponsoring the bracelets.
Thank you to everyone who attended the dance for making it a success, and helping us continue to “Make a Positive Difference” in our community. We raised over $1,200 for the Beacon of Hope, dedicated specifically to the seniors of Pine Island!
Finally, a special thanks to Marianne Paton, Editor of the PI Eagle for highlighting this event.
The Fund-raising Committee of The Matlacha Hookers
Rosemary Arway
Betsy Haesemeyer
Robin Lilly
DJ Ruscik
Pattie Scott