
Barack Obama —Commander ‘n Thief

3 min read

To the editor:

Barack Obama, believing the $800 billion of injected demand would lift the economy (the stimulus bill) decided to devote his political capital and his congressional majorities to reorganizing American industries. Healthcare and Finance. Both creations rose from the table as 2,000-plus page laws. Now hundreds of thousands of economic actors across the country are waiting to interpret 4,000 pages of “smart” legislating. 4,000 pages of laws that Obama and his administration proudly admit they did not read. It was too urgent to get it passed, an emergency, no time to read it! Wasn’t it Obama who promised in his election campaign that he was going to go through all new legislation “line by line” to ensure it was all legal?

Well, what we now have after the stimulus’s and several Q & Es is: 9 – 10 percent unemployment, 20-plus percent underemployment, next to no economic growth (0.01 percent to 1.8 percent – normal is 3 to 4 percent), a massive housing disaster, oppressive regulations, down-graded national credit status, historic deficits with no plan on how to pay them back except higher taxes, and all that hope. New numbers in from the National Association of Realtors is by the year 2012 (six months from now) we will have reached 95 million foreclosures nationwide and that is just the foreclosures. Not counted are all the short sales and all the people who just took huge cash losses just to get the heck out. The total number of ill property owners is most likely near 200 million. There are 308 million people in the U.S.

Our President and the media say we are in recovery and have been since 2009. We are? Gee, I’m not seeing it. If they say this is recovery, then this tells me that this must be what was intended and it’s acceptable. How could this be? Oh it be. Those facts I’ve just spoken are the signs of something dying, not recovering. We have 17 months left until election 2012 and the question to be raised now is what do we do to get through the next 17 months and prevent him from stealing what is left of the American dream so that there can be a genuine recovery?

June 2011, U.S. national debt $14,270,114,530,800. Unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security $106,000,000,000. we also have $6 trillion in guaranteed mortgages by Fannie and Freddie with no assets to back them up. The government’s only assets are you and me, our ability to earn a living and the value of our assets which they can tax. We have over one trillion-plus deficit projected for this year. The federal debt and unfunded liabilities equals almost exactly 1 million dollars for every “worker” in the U.S. if each “worker” paid his/her share of just the interest on our debt, at 4 percent, it would cost you $40,000 a year. “Hey honey, would ya go grab my check book?…yea right! We need some serious remedies and we need them quick. Why would anyone want four more years of this? did you see that number above? It really is $14, wait, the hey, $800.00…

Do you know how much money that is? I don’t know, no one knows. Pluto doesn’t seem so far away anymore at only 6,000.000.000 kilometers. Our debt is out of this world.

Dawn Shevlin

St. James City