
Inexperience blew it again

3 min read

To the editor:

How could this administration allow the spectacular Military Raid that killed OBL be marginalized by a massive security breach! By spilling his guts to the world, Obama grasped defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama could have gotten all of the glory he wanted if he could have just given the Military & Intelligence community a few more days to exploit the “mother lode” of information gained during the raid that killed OBL, before bragging to the world about his heroic deeds. The more I read and hear about the OBL raid, the more concerned I am about the motives and competence of our present administration. Can I suggest to you why? The first thing we should be concerned about was the massive “outflowing” of information about the raid which was our lost opportunity to dramatically disrupt the al Qaida organization. For the head of a terrorist organization to use nothing but couriers for direct communication, was our “Ace In The Hole,” it was axiomatic that this is what we should have expected. A. Locations of OBL subordinates. B. Planning for future operations. C. Necessities to al Qaida, financing, organizational structures, continuity of operating procedures, recruiting and SOPs.

If Obama had said absolutely nothing after the raid, no one in al Qaida would have know what happened, except the couriers, who apparently knew where he lived, along with the Pakistan Gov. And rest assured that they were not going to announce what had happened, least they tip their hat to the world. Had Obama kept his mouth shut, we would have had time to hurt al Qaida in numerous ways. We could have taken out all of the secondary leaders or his successors if you may, seize funds around the world, disrupt or kill people or cells on the verge of their next incursion. They would not know what had happened till it was all over. I can not imagine any of our military leaders or CIA Heads not recommending Obama not say anything. Our country should be outraged due to Obama throwing all of this intelligence and potentiality under the bus…. all for a 9 percent gain in the polls. I can almost wager that Obama would have gotten marvelous and rave reviews if he had been smart enough to keep his mouth shut for 60 – 75 days

And to take it one step farther. With each and every day, as the real truth about the raid is revealed, evidence of how misinformed this administration actually is, becomes obvious as they retract from the initial glory seeking and re-issue the true facts

Because Obama couldn’t wait with closed mouth, the terrorists that would do us harm have gained invaluable time. We were prevented from scoring additional decisive blows on terror and al Qaida. Al Qaida has today learned well of their operational and security failures. These points will most assuredly be used against us in future terrorists actions.

Next time you see Obama basking in his success, next time you hear your administration telling you how great they are, remember that it’s inexperience and a teleprompter talking at you, not to you.

Tony Silvasin

Cape Coral