Donnell report requires additional scrutiny
To the editor:
I am writing this letter to urge the Lee County School Board not to take any public action regarding Dr. Donnell until all the information in this “investigation” has been thoroughly examined. I have known Dr. Donnell for over four years in his capacity as a Cape Coral councilman and educator. As a former public school teacher myself (25 years in the classroom), I have discussed with Dr. Donnell the responsibility to quantify a student’s progress with numbers and grades and to evaluate that information with the real growth and development, often times very intangible, of that child as a human being.
We all feel positively about the student who gets an all A report or the student who has earned admission to a good university, or an appointment to a military academy. We are proud, in the community, when a school displays the “A+” banner for student achievement on the FCAT. But numbers and grades do not tell the whole story.
Equally important in the schools are the caring and dedicated adults, the teachers, administrators and support staff that go that extra mile for all students, including the troubled and sometimes lost child that the system sometimes buries under paperwork and negative evaluations.
That is what has happened here. Dr. Donnell went that extra mile for several students who needed extra help and encouragement that the paper pusher and bean counter types could care less about. Dr. Donnell admits changing grades, but only after the completion of approved extra credit assignments.
I have read the entire “investigation” and I would encourage you to read Dr. Donnell’s responses.
But specifically, I would like to examine, Allegation #6: It was also alleged that Dr. Donnell made deals with students that allowed them to shun their responsibilities for which they were sent to the school to fulfill.
It does not take a genius to see the lack of objectivity in presenting this allegation and even begs the question, why is there such a negative and biased characterization of Dr. Donnell who is going that extra mile for a student in need? He could have just sat in his office and let the paper pushers bury this child.
Dr. Donnell has been known to go above and beyond the call of duty to work with ONE lost student that the system has given up on and tried to write performance objectives, as outlined by the District, that the troubled student can complete and can feel encouraged that someone cares about him or her. This is a very worthy, moral and ethical standard on the part of Dr. Donnell that should be demanded of all administrators that “deal” with our district’s children. The implication by the investigator that this “DEAL” making, which implies some “quid pro quo”, is just negative and wrong. Also, how does this investigator know that Dr. Donnell’s mind set and intention was to allow this student to “shun” their responsibility? That is a very harsh and mean-spirited comment by this person! Something is very wrong here and calls into question the competency of the investigation.
Further, the original complaint of grade changing has been embellished with a “sexual harassment” charge. Yes, there is concern over “salty” language used by the former Marine (Dr. Donnell) in personal conversations with confidential staff members. But this is not “sexual harassment.” According to School Board Policy 5.30, the evidence in this case is nowhere close to even being considered as “sexual harassment.” It is irresponsible of the district to allow the investigator to stretch this evidence to the level of sexual harassment to further impugn Dr. Donnell. He has had no such charges, in his 16 years with the district.
Dr. Donnell has stated emphatically that he will fight to clear his good name. To the many friends, parents and students who know the real Dr. Donnell, he could use your encouragement and support. Please let the School Board know your thoughts. For all the good contributions he has made to the school district and to the city, we need to support Dr. Donnell and his family in this difficult time.
F. C Perry
Cape Coral