
Response to Tea Party Rally letter April 13

2 min read

To the editor:

As organizer of the Lee County Tea Party 2011, I thought Mr. Wilkinson’s tale about the CEO, teachers’ union worker and Tea Partier was very clever. What Mr. Wilkinson failed to tell was the outcome of the bakery’s free cooke campaign.

You see, the CEO had already been promised the 11 free cookies by the president of the bakery. The teachers’ union worker and the Tea Partier split the last cooke and, as it happened, in splitting it the teachers’ union worker got a bigger piece. But both the Tea Partier and the union worker liked the cookies and wound up buying some, the union worker with some of his own money and some money the taxpayers gave him, the Tea Partier entirely with his own money. The CEO continued to get his cookies for free, and did not have a pay any tax on them! Somehow, I think the bakery will be in great financial difficulty before too long. Or maybe it is already?

The Lee County Patriots are always grateful to The Eagle for including press releases that we send, along with photos and artwork. The artwork for the logo of the Lee County Tea Party 2011 was created by Pine Island’s own Painting Princess Leoma Lovegrove, and thus it was most appropriate that it be included in our Pine Island newspaper.

I might also point out that our half page of coverage was on page 3, very nice, but the Earth Day celebration was front page in the April 13, edition and continued on to page 6, equaling a half page.

Kathy Jones

St. James City