Police charity calls are not welcome
To the editor:
Most people today are annoyed by those pesky telephone solicitors. They have a convenient way of calling at the most inconvenient times. Many are not going to make the donation but they operate on the premise that if you call enough people, you will get some to donate. This is usually in the evening at about the time families are having dinner. That way they are more likely to catch you at home.
I found these calls at dinner time annoying enough, but this time I received a call on Palm Sunday by someone who said they were with Cape Coral Police Department. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to select my own charities. I sure don’t need anyone from Cape Coral Police or their hired representatives calling me on Sunday, Palm Sunday, and probably on Easter Sunday to beg for money. Don’t they get figured into the city budget? I mean, our property taxes have nearly doubled from last year. Isn’t that enough?
Though the economy seems to be improving slowly, I think that only a few feel that they can just open their wallet to these solicitors. Because they claim to be representing organizations such as the Police Department, they are exempt from the do not call list of which I am on. Is the only way of stopping the calls by eliminating our land lines?
Mary West
Cape Cora