Greed running rampant
To the editor:
After reading stories concerning Edison State which appeared in the March 22 and March 23 issues of the other newspaper it seems evident to me that avaricial greed is running so rampant throughout the portals of our higher educational system that it is causing the pride, joy, prestige and honor of a college education to sink into the mire of out and out mediocrity
Have these professionals, who operate the system, no honor in themselves to rape the educational treasury in the manner in which they do so?
Is there no pride at all left in these people to see the destruction they are causing because of their avarice?
Maybe that is the way of the world, but this un-educated old turkey can see that something is wrong and if we damn soon do not correct it, it will be back to the cave for us all because of our stupidity. God save us all.
Joseph Curran
Cape Coral