
Fire every sitting politician?

1 min read

To the editor:

Not the answer, tried in last fall election and all we got was narrow- minded people pushing narrow- minded political issues of the corp funding agenda that spent the millions to elect them. The answer? Term limits, champaign reform.

Until you limit Corp propaganda and contributions, the problems will continue. You need sane reasonable men doing the work of the citizens, not the millionaires, Wall Street, Banks, and big Corporations. We need a third party, The Independent Party.

Becky Denham

St James City

Fire every sitting politician

2 min read

To the editor:

There’s a good reason why voters should fire every elected official, and start new. This is the only way to send a powerful message to Washington.

If you’re a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you can still vote your party preference, but all incumbents must go. The issue is absolute incompetence.

Here are the facts: (1) The U.S. Postal Service has had 234 years to get it right and it’s broke. (2) Fannie Mae has had 71 years to get it right and it’s broke. (3) Medicare and Medicaid has had 44 years to get it right and it’s broke. (4) Freddie Mac has had 39 years to get it right and it’s broke. (5) The Department of Energy was established in 1977, to lessen our dependence on oil, it has 16,000 employees and a budget of $24 billion a year and we now import more oil that ever before, they’ve had 33 years to get it right and it’s a total failure.

And they’ve lots more.

Washington has failed the tax payers in every government service and it’s a long past the time for accountability. Once again, what we have is the Democrats pointing the finger at the Republicans, the Republicans pointing the finger at the Democrats and both parties waving the middle finger at the trusting taxpayers. Our only chance is to fire every sitting elected official and let the new people know that the game is over, no more babbling and no more finger pointing. We want results and want it now. It’s time for the people to get their money’s worth from their elected officials.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral