Before you go remember the Food Pantry
To the editor:
Everywhere we look, articles we read, people we talk with are showing signs of the winter season drawing to a close. Easter is late this year and all ready friends area talking of heading back north.
As the winter season begins to come to a close and our northern friends and neighbors start to think of their journey to their northern homes, it’s time to clean out the extra cans of soups and vegetables and non-perishable items that you have on your shelves.
The Pine Island Food Pantry would like to remind you that those items can be put to good use in the Island Food Pantry. Many of you return to your homes in the north before the U.S. Postal Food Drive takes place here on the island and miss out on the opportunity to share those “extra” items with those in need of help.
So, if you have some extras to share, please drop them at our island drop-off points, or at the Food Pantry, at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church, in the Parish Life center. Pantry hours are 9 to 11 a.m. every Monday and Thursday.
Following is a list of our drop-off points on the island:
Winn-Dixie (stop in and see our beautiful new donation box, courtesy of Tom and Ellen Wolf and their family, Ed and Joan Schoonveld), Matlacha Post Office, VFW. the Moose Lodge, Southwest Capital Bank and the American Legion.
We also are preparing for the Easter holiday, Winn-Dixie Food Drive to take place on April 16, in the parking lot of the Winn-Dixie strip mall. Come have lunch with us, hot dogs and soda for $1. Have the Boy Scouts of Troop #20, wash your car for a donation and take a chance on our great raffle. Many wonderful prizes from local businesses and Winn-Dixie vendors.
With the sincere thanks of all our volunteers at the Pine Island Food Pantry and the recipients of your generosity, we wish you a safe trip to your northern homes and look forward to your return to wonderful Pine Island in the future.
Barbara La Plante,
Pine Island Food Pantry treasurer