A failing grade
To the editor:
President Obama has let us down. Two and a half years into his administration, and after two years of the White House and the Congress totally controlled by the Democrats, we find ourselves in a mess on eight fronts, never more serious in American, history. Here are the facts:
Gas prices continue to spiral out of control. While the president and the Congress claim that they understand the problem they seem oblivious to the pain and suffering being dealt to American citizens and they have no answers.
Unemployment continues to eat at and destroy the fabric of America. While millions continue to experience the pain and degradation associated with an inability to find gainful employment, to feed house and clothe the family, the president mumbles about percentage fractions and claims that still-hungry Americans should rejoice.
We are embroiled in three wars, Americans are dying and there has never been a clear representation of our goals, our desire to win, or an exit strategy.
We have an immigration crisis. People illegally flowing across the border, bringing drugs and placing American citizens at risk, and the president does nothing except file suit against border state governments that are struggling to protect their citizens. Another situation out of control, being ignored by the White House, and getting worse every day.
The national debt racing towards insolvency, threatening the life-styles of our children and our grandchildren, serving to disgrace America around the world, and desperately calling for a fix and the president talks about axes and scalpets instead of recognizing the impending disaster and fixing it, before it’s too late.
Foreclosures in the millions, causing enormous pain suffering and family instability, all of which will continue to impact adversely on families all across America for generations to come. No suggested solutions from Washington. Inflation on the rise and incomes being reduced. Seniors without investment opportunities and, in order to survive, being forced into dangerous investments.
And now, traffic controllers sleeping on the job, placing unsuspecting Americans at risk, conducting themselves in an irresponsible uncaring way and the president and his appointed chief babble about investigations and suspensions instead of immediate firings.
President Obama has shown that he is not able to solve Americans problems, he’s failed us, and no amount of disingenuous finger pointing will serve to put us on track. We ned a new direction and fresh leadership before it’s too late.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral