
Response to Deb Cole

2 min read

To the editor:

In reference to Deb Cole’s letter, March 22, 2011. The Lion’s Club rule states: all monies has to be placed into the jar by 5 o’clock or it will not be counted. That jar is then given to the Lion’s person that was there, to bring the jar to the fire station to be counted.

If you want to allow people to use credit cards, then 10 or 15 minutes before 5 p.m.. tally and write a check so it’s in by 5. It doesn’t matter if paid by credit card. It still has to be in the jar by 5. That’s what the rule says.

The VFW kept a tab for those who wanted to write checks. At 4:45 p.m. everyone was given their total so checks could be written and in the jar by 5 p.m.!

Deb, and the ladies with her, came in with their jar and placed a money bag on top of the jar, not in the jar! Should not have been counted, not in the jar on top.

There was a meeting after all of this at the VFW, Ethel Gilbert, her manager and VFW and Lion’s. After everything said, Donna, who was the Lion’s person at Bert’s Bar, admitted she did things wrong. That it should not have been accepted and apologized. They said they would talk and let us know. Ethel received a phone call and said she won. Then received another one, saying (from the president) Deb was Governor, Bernard wanted his money back.

You asked why they are not getting support. There it is! No one wants to support someone and work hard for donations to raise money for them and that’s how they run things. Rules are there for a reason, they are not meant to be broken.

There are other organizations that do a lot of good on the island, with a lot less money. They work all year to raise money. Yes, it is to bad this has to come to an end. The Lions did this to themselves, no one else to blame.

Linda Keefer
