Addressing all the complainers
To the editor:
I say to the people complaining about the Dollar General sign, “get a life!”
There are plenty of signs as large including SunTrust, Wachovia, Blue Crab Key, Pine Island Realty, etc. The Subway sign and building are an eyesore. Where were all of you complainers the past few years with the bent flag pole in front of Subway? You drove by it all the time. Nothing was done about it until this year.
There are many quaint, beautiful places throughout Florida filled with native oak and slash pine trees. If you don’t have property on or near the water, and if you don’t boat or fish, there is really nothing here. We are lucky a quality build store, investing mega dollars, came here. I’m sure the store will do just fine without the boycotters!
P.S., I just drove by today and the it is packed with customers.
David Kennedy
St. James City