
Playing fair does not mean you will win!

3 min read

To the editor:

Rules doesn’t matter, it’s all about the almighty dollar. And that was proven over the Governors race.

We ran an honest race, went by the rules and in our hearts we know because of this we really are the winners.

Our money was in the election jar by 5 p.m. as stated in the rules, or it doesn’t count towards what you raised. That was one of the rules that was bent and the other was accepting a check after 5 p.m. From what I have heard this has been going on with them for a long time, but no one said anything. A Lions person admitted all the monies were not in the jar by 5 p.m. and that she accepted a check after 5. It only then became our win, but only for the week-end. The deep pockets wanted their money back, and said that they wouldn’t hold another race for them. It went back to them, they raised the most money. Only, because money was counted that should not have been. So the rules were bent! I was told they are only rules they are not set in stone.

I thought any club or organization that ran different events to raise money had to abide by rules, let alone their own.

I also hope the people and the children of this island knows what they did was wrong. Hopefully the children didn’t learn doing wrong is how you win. That is not a good example to send to anyone.

To the people of the island that helped in every way to support Ethel, thank you! I am sorry for you that all of the efforts we put into this did not end as intended. I fought for everyone, but I was told it is now my fault that the people on the island won’t get much help. They won’t be able to run another race because of me. It’s my fault that I wanted them to abide by their own rules. It’s my fault that the rules were bent. And all this time a thought I was fighting for a fair and honest race.

We worked hard over the last 30 days to raise money. In the last two races we raised over $13,500.

As I said before, we really are the winners, we won at 5 p.m. that day. We ran a clean honest race. We are the real winners!!

Thank you to everyone who helped us, you were a great support. And remember when you read in the paper what the Lions Club is doing for the island, where most of that money came from.

Thank you again,

Linda Keefer

Campaign manager for Ethel Gilbert