
Huge success for all Taste of Pine Island 2010 committee thanks you

6 min read

To the editor:

Yes, it’s a cliche’, but it’s an accurate one. Taste of Pine Island 2010 was a bigger and more successful event than the previous year. “The economy gets an F minus, but your event gets an A plus, said three-year vendor, Jewels by Park Lane.

While the previous day was rainy and rather nasty, the event day was warm and breezy. The event was opened to the public at 11 a.m., the shuttle bus was already dropping off people at the entrance of the gate at 10 a.m.

The park was full with more than 100 vendors participating and some having to set up outside the park fence. Many last-minute vendors arrived hoping to get a spot, but had to be turned away because they hadn’t registered in advance. Chairman of the event, Pat Burman said, “Most of the vendors at Taste 2010 had already registered eight months in advance and already committed to next year’s Taste 2011. Furthermore, we have requests from nearly as many prospective vendors wanting to be involved in Taste 2011.”

At the start, the lines at the entrance gates were long and there were reports of cars backed up down Pine Island Road for a short periods while the off-site parking crew worked their magic. Betsy Haesemeyer, president of the Beacon of HOPE, and her crew, managed the off-site parking. Gary Edwards and his crew worked the handicap parking area and it all ran very smoothly.

The event has always opened with the bluegrass stylings of the Pine Island Trio, followed by the local classic rock favorites, Alyce Grouper. The remaining sets were played by one of the hottest bands in Florida and another group of local boys, Strange Arrangement. They played their original music often described as a blend of rock, funk, fusion and hip-hop. You know you have a popular band with the crowd is lip-syncing to the band’s original music. Vendors and guests seemed to like this year’s entertainment lineup with a little for all ages.

In the eating tent at the back of the park where the main stage music was not intrusive, was a new and wildly popular entertainment addition, the Pine Island Youth Strings Quartet lead by Stormy Futch. Made up of older island high school students, they performed various classical music selections written for stringed instruments.

The last Fish Drop tickets were sold out at the event and the winners were; first place $1,000 to Megan Kraus, second place $500 to Haley Timothy and third place $250 was to Diane Cammick.

Jennifer Jennings, chairman of the Seafood Chowder Contest, had the restaurants ready with their chowder and the volunteers ready to provide service. At 2 p.m. the tasting line wrapped around the park in anticipation of a taste of many different types of chowder. Pine Island’s best restaurants prepared both red and white chowders. The Taste of Pine Island 2010 committee would like to thank all of the following restaurants who participated in this year’s Chowder Cook-off; Bert’s Bar, three-time winner Waterfront Restaurant, two-year winner Perfect Cup, Sandy Hook and Jackie’s Restaurant. Perfect Cup retained the trophy for the third year. Waterfront Restaurant was second place and Bert’s Bar was in third place. The contest is open to all Pine Island restaurants which want to participate, and we hope to see you all at the Taste of Pine Island 2011.

Chairman, Pat Burman says, “The success of our event is the result of the dedication of the members and volunteers of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island, island businesses who participated and our wonderful community. Our membership is made up of 27 members whose average age is in the late 60s and early 70s. One of our active members is 93 years old and she worked all day at this year’s event. Our volunteers work so hard to make this event a day of fun and relaxation for those attending and do it to better our community and its young people.”

Pat and her committee would like to thank the following groups: the Pine Island Boys Scouts for doing a fantastic job on a tough and dirty chore, namely keeping the park clean and removing garbage during the event; the Pine Island Community Youth Group helped with set up, break down and remaining trash removal; Beacon of HOPE for managing our off-site parking and SunTrust Bank which did our beer sales; TIB Bank did our wristband sales; SW Capital manned the front gate; and all the others who stepped up to the plate and volunteered at one of the best and biggest Pine Island events of the year. Held on Pine Island, for Pine Island and guests to support the youth of Pine Island and other island charities, job well done by all. If you own a business on Pine Island, we encourage you to get involved. It will be worth it and it will be fun.

Special thanks to our long-time co-sponsors; LCEC, Pine Island Realty, SunTrust Bank, Greater Pine Island Water Company, Carl’s Automotive Service, Cove Farms, SW Capital Bank, TIB Bank, Budweiser, Bokeelia Trading Company, Honc Industries, Pine Island Chamber of Commerce and Ad&PrintCraft Web Site Design and Printing.

Little Lilly’s Island Deli, a two-year vendor said, “It was awesome. We attend the event because it is an island event, it is for a good cause and well organized.”

Walker Farms said, “Event was very well organized, music was great, event area was clean, very large crowd attended.” It was their first year to attend.

Paradise Gardens said, “Great as usual. Very well organized and music was great. Will attend in 2011.”

April’s Island Salon said, “Awesome event.”

Message to all vendors, thank you for making our event a huge success. Watch the Web site for updates and 2011 applications and paperwork. Pat Burman said, “I know a lot of you want to pay right now, but we need to update our information and reprint our applications. I hope to have all updates ready for vendors no later than April 1, 2010.”

This is when vendors can download and complete paperwork for Taste of Pine Island 2011. Remember, first come, first served. Complete and return with payment and Pat will reserve your spot for the biggest and best Pine Island event “Taste of Pine Island.”

See you all in 2011.

Go to for updates and information about the Pine Island Kiwanis and our next event is “Waterfront Day” which will be held in March 2010. Check the Web site for the date, come out and support your Kiwanis Club and the youth of Pine Island and enjoy a great lunch or dinner at the Waterfront Restaurant.

For more information, call Pat at 283-0888 or log on the Web site and send an e-mail.

Taste of Pine Island 2010 committee