
Another fund raising success

1 min read

To the editor:

On Feb. 11, the Pine Island Ladies of the Elks #2781, had another stunning success in its effort to raise funds for the needy on Pine Island. Our organization has become increasingly aware of the number of children and adults who require some assistance in their daily lives. We are very proud of the number of members who help at every event and do so willingly and cheerfully. But we also appreciate this community who support our efforts as well as the local merchants who contribute generously.

We especially want to spotlight the folks at Winn-Dixie who assisted us, most notably Michael, manager of the bakery department and Robert, manager of the meat department. These two employees have been thoughtful, generous and cooperative in helping us to provide the food for our luncheon. We are grateful to the staff at our local Winn-Dixie and appreciate their continued support.

Our next two events are scheduled for March 4 and March 25. We appreciate the Pine Island Eagle for its continued publicity and editor, Marianne Paton’s coverage of our charitable events.

Sincerely yours,

Camille Coulborn and Bonnie Kellen

Ladies of the Elks