
It has happened again!

2 min read

To the editor:

Many of you know Indian Jack, the quiet-mannered representative of Traders Hitching Post located in the heart of Matlacha. Jack has been faithfully greeting everyone who comes to our island paradise for longer that many can remember. Over the years, Jack has sustained various injuries from hit and run accidents which have resulted in broken arms and legs. On one occasion he even had a leg severed by a hit and run driver. Surviving everything from broken bones to near fatal accidents Jack has maintained his composure and likable nature. Recently there have been a couple incidents that have really got his dander up. About three years ago someone decided to steal Jack’s favorite hat. This was a hat that had been handed down to him from his grandfather’s grandfather, “Billy Jack.” Nowadays Indian Jack says he just doesn’t understand what motivates people to steal, especially during one of our most spiritual of holiday seasons. But it has happened again! While looking the other way someone decided to lift and abscond with Jack’s “Santa Hat.” Jack says he is sure if it’s returned no questions would be asked and Jack said would even do his best to get whoever did it off of Santa’s naughty list, thus ensuring they would have a wonderful holiday season.

Jack has asked that we wish everyone a joyous holiday season,

Cindee and Jerry Tolliver

Traders Hitching Post

Matlacha Florida