
Good job PIE students

1 min read

To the editor:

Kudos to the children of Pine Island Elementary School for the great Food Drive on behalf of the Food Pantry. Even though the school student body is about half the size of last year — the children collected more than 1,400 cans of food to help the hungry people of Pine Island. Not only did they collect the food, but they packed in boxes and helped load the vans. This drive will go along way to providing food for the Christmas holidays to families who might otherwise go hungry. Thank you children for a job well done and thank you Tina Garris for organizing the drive.

This past month the pantry serviced approximately 100 families. Each family received a turkey for Thanksgiving along with a holiday gag that islanders purchased at Winn Dixie and donated to the pantry. This is in addition to the normal order of food given to each recipient.

Remember the pantry is closed Christmas Eve so if you need food assistance this month come prior to the 24th. The pantry is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9 to 11 a.m. no appointment necessary.

Kathleen Soronen

Pine Island Food Pantry