
Another successful poker run

2 min read

To the editor:

At 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 6, we looked for the first participant of the Pine Island Boat Club Poker Run to show up in a snowmobile suit. By 10 a.m. the weather warmed up and people started showing up at the poker stations in droves. There were boaters, bicyclists, motorcyclists and a few other modes of transportation. Late that afternoon at Woody’s was a celebration for those who participated, with wonderful island music provided by Frank Tuma. Prizes for the three best poker hands and the loser’s hand were awarded. First prize of $1,000 went to Ken Malin, second prize of $350 went to Gar Fredricks, third prize of $150 went to Charlie and Debbie Stinson and $100 went to Larry Heston for the loser’s hand.

A big thank you to our dealers and their helpers, our MC Alex Alexander, our ticket sellers, our 50/50 sellers, the frog toss workers and all other volunteers that helped to make this event possible. A special thank you to Woody’s Waterside, Island Cow Trading Co., Ragged Ass Saloon, Waterfront Restaurant, Green Flash Restaurant, Jensen’s Marina and Winn-Dixie. Because of your contributions, the Pine Island Boat Club is able to donate $1,661 to the Calusa Land Trust.

If you missed this year’s fun, please join us for the 18th annual Poker Run to be held in 2010.

With our thanks

and very best wishes,

Bob and Bonnie Kellen

Claudia Binter and Dan Foote

Pine Island Boat Club Poker Run Committee