
The tail is ‘wagging’ the dog!

3 min read

To the editor:

Two major events occurred this past week. First off, during an interview of high-ranking Democratic members, they were asked what their take of the polls, town hall meetings, demonstrations and the march on Washington on Sept. 12, 2009. Their answer in astounding unison was that the American people will forget all about the debate by election time. Wish I were as confident in their ability as they have in the lack of resolve of “We the People,” the tail is wagging the dog.

Charlie Gibson narrated an ABC Special with none other than the president regarding health care reform. During this interview, Gibson asked of the president if he and his family would give up their current coverage and join the proposed national health care reform program that the rest of the nation must adhere to. His answer was pause, hesitation and finally refusal to answer the question. Are you surprised? Along the same line, several senators had been asked the same question and stated that they would think about it. Well they did just that and included in the proposed bill being considered that Congress is to be 100 percent exempted. The tail is wagging the dog!

Doesn’t it bother you just a little that a group of domineering, egocentric primadonnas hired by “We the People” consider themselves over an above the electorate? I don’t know about you, but I’m mad as hell of being discriminated against by our representatives of congress and the government as a whole. What say you?

It doesn’t matter if you are an independent, Republican, Democrat or whatever, it matters not if you’re Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist or whatever, we are Americans being told that we lack the resolve to stick it out and vote in unison as “We the People.”

If you’re tired of the tail wagging the dog, write your congressman, let them know exactly how you feel, I have and only Connie Mack answered but he, too, failed to respond to my queries. Their addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers are located in the government section of the telephone directories. If you can’t locate them, call me. My telephone number is listed.

Personally, I feel that if the health care plan provided the congress as well as the retirement plan is good enough for a bunch of primadonnas it’s good enough for “We the People.” Why should we accept anything less than that, that is provided these jerks?

“Together we stand, divided we fall.”

Charles Alexander
